Born in Montreal, Sylvie Dagenais (formerly known as Solo and Sylvia DiLore) travelled the world, building a collection of shapes, hues and images that inspire her to this day.
Advocating rigour, reflection and research, for Sylvie, art and the individual are related, as they developed together. Sylvie began her career within the collective, Triad. Together, they published Une chance qu’on s’a, an illustrated book in which the words of Jean-Pierre Ferland mingle with the images of the Triad artists. A portion of the sales were donated to charitable causes.
Sylvie creates from her memories. She draws inspiration from her imagination, which is unique to her universe. With her hands, she works the colours and tonalities that are inspired by organic as well as mineral matter. The combination is a decidedly contemporary ensemble.
The balance between figurative and non-figurative of her works rests on three formal principals: oversize; the use of geometry and the reshaping of colours. Sylvie views creation as a work of both the body and the spirit. She lets the images flow from her unconsciousness to settle on the canvas, guiding her toward the story she wants to tell.
In its sense, the creation of a pictorial work relates to the composition of a musical piece. Sylvie disrupts the observer with a melody of colours and techniques, taking him on a voyage from one story to another. Shaking up our perceptions. Leading us to introspection. Changing the way we look at the world and people. Sylvie paints raw emotion, then shares it with sincerity.

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B.B.A. from École des hautes études commerciales (HEC); advanced training course at École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris (ENSBA); Art School, Boca Raton Museum of Art; numerous workshops and courses (drawing, ceramics, sculpture and painting) throughout the world, chiefly in Japan and Brazil; a Master of Fine Arts (California) is heightening her art and style.